Conflict and resolution

Tips for Resolving Family Disputes

Whether a couple is divorced or still together, issues can arise that are difficult to resolve. These can be short or long term issues, and they might be about finances, parenting, or any number of other things. A short term financial issue could be around the purchase of a new car, while a long ter...

What is the Process for an Uncontested Divorce?

Breaking Down Uncontested Divorces in Washington In the broadest sense, an uncontested divorce could be said to include any divorce in which the parties are not actively fighting over the terms of the divorce. This generally means that they are following a process other than litigation. Even if the...
Definition of Arbitration

What Should I Know About Divorce Arbitration?

Our Seattle Divorce Lawyers Explain the Arbitration Process for Family Law Conflicts Arbitration represents another approach to settling your divorce case. Basically, arbitration means hiring a private judge. This does require the agreement of both sides, including the choice of who should be the a...
Settlement Conference Mediation - Seattle Divorce Services

What Happens In Settlement Conference Mediation?

For many years now, King County Superior Court has required that parties engage in some kind of dispute resolution process prior to proceeding to trial. The most common kind of dispute resolution process used is a form of mediation called a settlement conference The object of this type of mediatio...
Stopping the Coronavirus - Can I divorce during a COVID-19 Lockdown?

Can I Divorce During COVID-19 Lockdown?

Many people are going to be wondering what their options are if their marriages are deteriorating under the stress of these difficult times. We have been warned to expect a spike in couples seeking to divorce due to the pressures brought on by COVID-19. But is divorcing even possible during a cor...
What Happens in Early Mediation - two women consulting - Seattle Divorce Serices

What Happens In Early Mediation?

Different mediators structure their mediations differently, but as a general rule, Early Mediation will be broken up into shorter sessions over a period of weeks or months....
Future Divorce - what will it be like? By Seattle Divorce Services

Future Divorce

While there will always be a need for litigation in some high conflict divorces, more and more people are recognizing that non-litigation approaches to resolving divorce issues can provide more customized solutions at a lower emotional cost. In my experience, the thing clients dread most ab...
divorce mediation without attorneys - Seattle Divorce Services

Divorce Mediation Without Attorneys?

The practice in our office when we are providing mediation services is to ask both parties to have their own individual attorneys they can access to answer their legal questions throughout the mediation process, and to prepare the legal documents once a settlement has been reached....
reasons for Non-litigation options for divorce - Seattle Divorce Services

Non-Litigation Approaches to Divorce

More and more often, people are asking about ways to get divorced without litigating (going to court). There are several reasons why they are interested in such non-litigation approaches as Early Mediation and Collaborative Divorce:...