Fork in the road

Divorce vs Legal Separation – Child Custody / Parenting Plan

Many people wonder what the difference is between a Divorce and a Legal Separation when it comes to specific issues like child custody and parenting plans, child support, property and debt division, and spousal support. In fact, with regard to those issues, in Washington State it really does not mat...
Cog wheels

Sophisticated Solutions to Complex Divorce

What does it mean when we say "our divorce attorneys believe in taking a more sophisticated approach to resolving complex cases"? Many divorce cases are complex. That does not necessarily mean the cases involve great wealth or unusual issues. It does mean there there may be issues of parenting, c...
Cooperation through puzzle pieces

What is Cooperative Divorce?

Along with Collaboration and Mediation, you may sometimes hear the term "Cooperative Divorce". Cooperative Divorce is not a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution like Collaboration and Mediation, but is rather a way of approaching a traditional litigated divorce. There are no special rules or pr...

Can I Modify My Spousal Support?

In Washington, spousal support, also known as alimony or maintenance, is modifiable under some conditions. First, the decree of divorce must have NOT ordered non-modifiable spousal support. Second, there must be a "substantial change of circumstances". I would add, however, that in my experience, s...

Civility Matters in Divorce

I recently read an article by Carol Bailey-Medwell on Why Civility Matters. Carol manages Integrative Family Law, a firm that shares many of the same values we hold here at Seattle Divorce Services. Recently I had the pleasure of reading one of her articles in a member's publication, and I thou...

How Are Retirement Benefits Divided in Divorce?

This might also be titled "What is a QDRO?", but the answer is really bigger than that. Some people assume that because retirement benefits were earned by the one party and is in her or his name, it is not subject to division. In fact, retirement benefits are considered community property and so...

Nathan Cliber: Strategies That Help the Client

I asked Nathan Cliber, an attorney here at Seattle Divorce Services, about ways that he helps the client navigate the tricky and challenging currents of their divorce. He said that he finds it is very important to hold space for the client to be heard. Too many attorneys spend too much time t...

How Do I Get More Time with My Children?

We often hear from parents who are unhappy with their current parenting plan and want to have more time with their children. While the standard you have to meet for modifying a parenting plan is a tough one, there are several options to consider:...
Nathan Cliber

A Discussion With Nathan Cliber On His Approach To Practice

I recently had a chance to have a discussion with Nathan Cliber, one of our attorneys at Seattle Divorce Services, about his approach to practicing Family Law. Nathan said a key to his approach is spending time listening to the client. He believes that it is important to “engage with people a...

“Compassionate Divorce” – My Thoughts on an Article by Roger B. Ley

I just read an article in our local Bar magazine, NWLawyer, by attorney Roger B. Ley on Compassionate Divorce. Basically, Roger's thesis is that kindness gets better results than vindictiveness. I agree wholeheartedly! Roger points out that when one side to a divorce makes room for thinking about...
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