Money , keys, and cars representing assets

How is Property and Debt Split During a Divorce?

In Washington the courts are instructed to make a "just and equitable" division of all property and debt, both community and separate. Some factors the court is to consider include the nature and extent of the property, the duration of the marriage, and the economic circumstances of each spouse....

A Sample Debt Calculation

In some ways dividing debt in a divorce is just like dividing property, but in other ways, it is more complicated. Generally, community property and debt are combined to reach a net community estate value, and then that total value is divided between the parties....

Handling Your Finances During a Divorce

Divorce is not only an emotional split, it's also a financial one. It pays to know your financial rights and responsibilities before you divorce. Divorce can be financially devastating, so there are things to keep in mind before you divorce. Don’t be left in the dark. A Daily Finance article H...