Finding A Lawyer

Finding a Lawyer Who Is the Best Fit

When potential clients are in the process of finding a lawyer, they often ask if the lawyer they are considering in our office is "good". Sometimes they even want to know who in our office is "best". The problem is, "good" is the minimum standard (we would not hire an attorney we did not think was v...

Should I Go To A Big Downtown Law Firm For My Divorce?

As a general rule, a big law firm does a lot of business/commercial law, which I would guess is because that kind of law often requires a lot of manpower. On the other hand, divorce law is more typically practiced in small and solo law firms. The large commercial law firms may have a few family law...

When Should I See a Divorce Lawyer?

If you think you may be heading towards a divorce, it is never too early to talk to a divorce lawyer. Even if you are not ready to start the divorce itself, it is a good idea to get some information about what to expect. That includes what the process will look like, the kinds of documentation and o...

Can We Hire Mediators Instead of Lawyers?

Since we do both mediation and representation, we are often contacted by people who want to hire one of our lawyers as their mediator so they can get everything done by one person. However, the functions of mediators and lawyers are different, even when the mediator is a lawyer. We act as a lawyer w...

How to Find the Right Divorce Lawyer

Divorce is scary enough, but finding the right divorce lawyer to help you through the process can be even more stressful.  Here are a few tips and considerations:...

How do I Pick a Divorce Attorney?

Choosing the right divorce attorney is not easy. Making it even harder is the fact that the attorney that is a good fit for one person is not necessarily a good fit for the next person. Every client has different needs and points of view. Every attorney has strengths and weaknesses, and their own pa...

Can I Fill Out My Own Divorce Papers?

"Can I fill out my own divorce papers?" On another blog, Mark Alexander of our office responded to this common question:   You are certainly allowed to, and virtually all the Washington State forms are available online. However, they are bare-bones forms, which were designed to ens...