Man holding papers and deciding what to bring to a consultation with a family lawyer

What to Bring to a Consultation with a Seattle Family Lawyer

When facing a legal issue that will significantly impact you and your family, hiring a lawyer is a big step in the right direction. That said, it’s important to find the right lawyer for you - after all, family legal matters are usually very personal. Once you have chosen a potential attorney, you n...
Father with baby stroller

Establishing Paternity in Washington – Understand Your Options

While it may seem obvious, paternity establishes very important rights such as the right of a father to custody and visitation of his child. It also establishes important obligations, such as providing support, both financial and emotional.  Unfortunately, paternity is rarely an issue until there...

5 Family Law Situations That Require the Help of a Lawyer

One of the most common questions people have is whether they should hire a lawyer to help them with a family issue they are facing. There are many great resources available on the internet to help you navigate these issues, but they often are only helpful in straightforward situations. In many situa...

Surprising Factors That Could Impact Child Custody

For obvious reasons, child custody can be one of the most contentious issues in a divorce or separation. Emotions can run high, former partners can become vindictive, or the parties encounter sudden, unexpected challenges. Therefore, it can be beneficial for divorcing parents to understand the facto...

Should We Consider a Prenuptial Agreement?

If you are planning to marry, you may want to discuss whether a prenuptial agreement would be useful to you. Prenups are useful for any couple that would like to define the outcome in advance should there be a divorce or death of one of the parties down the road. They may just want to have more cert...

What is the Process for an Uncontested Divorce?

Breaking Down Uncontested Divorces in Washington In the broadest sense, an uncontested divorce could be said to include any divorce in which the parties are not actively fighting over the terms of the divorce. This generally means that they are following a process other than litigation. Even if the...

Will the Covid Vaccine Impact Child Custody in Washington?

I was recently asked how the Covid vaccine might affect child custody issues. Of course it is too early to tell much from actual cases, but my expectation is that in most cases the availability of the vaccine will not have a great impact. There are, however, some areas that could lead to conflicts b...

Domestic Violence and Dispute Resolution

Our Seattle Family Lawyer Outlines How to Get Communicate with an Abusive Spouse or Partner Domestic violence plays a part in far too many marriages. It can take many forms, from outright physical violence to control through intimidation to psychological control and abuse. It also ranges from angry...

Valentine’s Day Blues

  A Seattle Divorce Law Firm That Celebrates Valentine's Day? Quite a few years ago our local Chamber of Commerce used to hold monthly social/networking events at different businesses. Our law firm offered to host such an event. When the dates for the various events were given out, we found...

Co-Parenting Apps

Our Seattle Child Custody Lawyers Help You Discover Co-Parenting Apps These days there is a lot of emphasis on divorced parents working together as co-parents rather than simply as two separate and isolated households. Doing this effectively means a certain amount of communication and coordinat...