How Do I Get More Time with My Children?

We often hear from parents who are unhappy with their current parenting plan and want to have more time with their children. While the standard you have to meet for modifying a parenting plan is a tough one, there are several options to consider:...
Nathan Cliber

A Discussion With Nathan Cliber On His Approach To Practice

I recently had a chance to have a discussion with Nathan Cliber, one of our attorneys at Seattle Divorce Services, about his approach to practicing Family Law. Nathan said a key to his approach is spending time listening to the client. He believes that it is important to “engage with people a...

“Compassionate Divorce” – My Thoughts on an Article by Roger B. Ley

I just read an article in our local Bar magazine, NWLawyer, by attorney Roger B. Ley on Compassionate Divorce. Basically, Roger's thesis is that kindness gets better results than vindictiveness. I agree wholeheartedly! Roger points out that when one side to a divorce makes room for thinking about...
How Long Does Divorce Take

How Long Does a Divorce Take?

I cannot speak as to other states, but in Washington State there is a minimum 90 day long waiting period from the time the divorce case is filed with the court until the time that the court can finalize the divorce. However, that requires the parties to have reached agreement on all issues and ha...
Divorce agreement

Alternatives to Costly Divorce Litigation

Some people like to joke that the only thing about a marriage that is more expensive than a wedding is a divorce. In fact, in a high conflict divorce there can be a huge emotional cost in addition to the financial, and it can drag on for quite a while. If your marriage is coming to an end, and yo...

How Can I Keep The Cost Of My Divorce Down?

Let me start out by cautioning that divorce is not a cheap process. But one of the things that hugely affects the ultimate cost is the amount of fighting. Many a King has emptied the treasury (i.e. gone broke) by fighting endless wars. Here are a few tips for keeping your costs down:...

Do Children Get a Say In Custody?

Under Washington law, children do not get to determine their custody arrangements. They may, however, get some chance to influence the court's decision. I have never seen a court allow a child to testify directly in court, as the court tries to avoid putting the children in the middle of the divorc...

Can I Get Sole Custody?

In Washington State we do not generally discuss parenting in terms of "custody". Normally in this state, the parents share custody of the children; i.e. both parents continue to be involved in raising the children. One parent might have the children more of the time (often referred to as the "prima...

Your Divorce Doesn’t Have To Be A Zero Sum Game

By Nathan Cliber - Attorney at Seattle Divorce Services Divorce doesn’t have to be a zero sum game. It’s common wisdom that nobody “wins” in a divorce. While this is often true, it doesn’t mean that everyone has to lose. The greatest losses in any divorce come from fighting. The damage done by fig...

Early Mediation: How it Works

When seemingly irreconcilable differences arise in a marriage, sometimes the only option that seems possible is the choice with the most finality - litigating the issues through the courts. However, early mediation can produce agreements over division of property and liabilities, support, and parent...