Woman takes custody of dog.

Pet Custody in Washington

  Pet custody was recently in the local news in a story by Seattle Times reporter Erik Lacitis: Kona and Mr. Bear. In that Clark County case, the divorce court had originally given the wife visitation rights to two dogs that were primarily living with the husband. The Court of Appeals ruled,...
Bird’s nest

Should We Consider Nesting as a Custody Solution?

One of the issues that many parents worry about when they separate is the effect on their children as they move between two homes. One solution that some parents have used is called "nesting" or "bird's nest custody." This post outlines this newer custody model, and offers some tips for parents cons...
Father with baby stroller

Establishing Paternity in Washington – Understand Your Options

While it may seem obvious, paternity establishes very important rights such as the right of a father to custody and visitation of his child. It also establishes important obligations, such as providing support, both financial and emotional.  Unfortunately, paternity is rarely an issue until there...

Surprising Factors That Could Impact Child Custody

For obvious reasons, child custody can be one of the most contentious issues in a divorce or separation. Emotions can run high, former partners can become vindictive, or the parties encounter sudden, unexpected challenges. Therefore, it can be beneficial for divorcing parents to understand the facto...

Will the Covid Vaccine Impact Child Custody in Washington?

I was recently asked how the Covid vaccine might affect child custody issues. Of course it is too early to tell much from actual cases, but my expectation is that in most cases the availability of the vaccine will not have a great impact. There are, however, some areas that could lead to conflicts b...

Co-Parenting Apps

Our Seattle Child Custody Lawyers Help You Discover Co-Parenting Apps These days there is a lot of emphasis on divorced parents working together as co-parents rather than simply as two separate and isolated households. Doing this effectively means a certain amount of communication and coordinat...

Co-Parenting, Holidays, and Covid – Nightmare or Opportunity?

For separated and divorced parents, the holidays always bring added complexities, but in the middle of Covid, things are even tougher. Now it is not just a matter of coordinating time with each parent, but finding fun things to do with more limited options than usual. I was very impressed with th...

Back To School During COVID

Our Seattle Child Custody Attorneys Explain the Ramifications of Schooling During a Pandemic With the end of summer comes back to school time. Except that for many this year back to school is NOT like usual - many if not most students in Washington will -- for now -- be learning from home. I no lon...