
What Does a Family Lawyer Do?

When I was a kid, watching old black and white movies on TV, there would often be a lawyer character who was called whenever anything legal related came up. It might be selling a house, drafting a will, getting little Timmy out of jail, giving tax advice, or reviewing a contract. This character even...

How Do I Talk to My Spouse About Divorce?

It is always tough to tell your spouse you want a divorce. Are they going to get angry or emotional? Are they going to try to talk you out of it, or go into attack mode? And of course, it is just hard to admit that the marriage is over. You may want to discuss with an attorney how best to bring t...
Man Looking Sad About Divorce

Factors to Consider in a Gray Divorce

  Recently one of our younger attorneys asked me about a request from a potential client for a "silver divorce" because the attorney was not sure what that was. Being a bit older myself, I am familiar with terms like silver sneakers, silver singles, and of course gray or silver divorce. I...

Back To School During COVID

Our Seattle Child Custody Attorneys Explain the Ramifications of Schooling During a Pandemic With the end of summer comes back to school time. Except that for many this year back to school is NOT like usual - many if not most students in Washington will -- for now -- be learning from home. I no lon...

Welcome To Michelle Danley!

Seattle Divorce Services is thrilled to welcome attorney Michelle Danley to our group! Michelle’s career in California and Washington has been built around a passion for helping families and kids in difficult situations. She has worked in foster care and family law issues, and has a background in bo...
Hearts on a Prenup Agreement

How Should We Go About Getting a Prenup?

Our Seattle Prenuptial Agreement Attorneys Break Down the Prenup Process Unfortunately there is a bit of a difference between how prenuptial agreements are typically done and how I believe they should be done. Too often one partner goes to an attorney and has an agreement drafted. The partner then...
Definition of Arbitration

What Should I Know About Divorce Arbitration?

Our Seattle Divorce Lawyers Explain the Arbitration Process for Family Law Conflicts Arbitration represents another approach to settling your divorce case. Basically, arbitration means hiring a private judge. This does require the agreement of both sides, including the choice of who should be the a...
Settlement Conference Mediation - Seattle Divorce Services

What Happens In Settlement Conference Mediation?

For many years now, King County Superior Court has required that parties engage in some kind of dispute resolution process prior to proceeding to trial. The most common kind of dispute resolution process used is a form of mediation called a settlement conference The object of this type of mediatio...
Stopping the Coronavirus - Can I divorce during a COVID-19 Lockdown?

Can I Divorce During COVID-19 Lockdown?

Many people are going to be wondering what their options are if their marriages are deteriorating under the stress of these difficult times. We have been warned to expect a spike in couples seeking to divorce due to the pressures brought on by COVID-19. But is divorcing even possible during a cor...
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