Does My Divorce Information End Up in the Public Record - Man doing computer research

Is My Divorce Information in the Public Record?

People contemplating divorce often struggle with how and when it may become known to others. And while divorce obviously does not carry the stigma that it once did, there are many people who simply value their privacy. In addition, your divorce involves far more than your relationship status - it re...

Palimony and Alimony in Washington

Whether married or unmarried, one of the most important questions that must be answered when a couple separates is whether one spouse may be entitled to financial support. A family law attorney can help you understand how palimony or alimony could impact your separation.   Breaking Down Fin...

Are There Legal Rules for Virtual Visitations with Parents?

Virtual Visitations are Becoming More Common. What Do You Need to Know? Some parents do not have the ability to have frequent in-person time with their children for reasons such as the long distance between residences, histories of problematic behaviors, or perhaps Covid-related restrictions. Other...

Should I File My Divorce in Lincoln County?

After deciding to file for divorce, one of the subsequent decisions to be made is where you will file for divorce. As a general rule, you should file your divorce case in the county where you or your spouse reside, but Washington law allows spouses to pursue in any county they choose if both spouses...
Olympia, WA - Does Washington State Have Common Law Marriage? - Seattle Divorce Services

Does Washington Have Common Law Marriage?

Many couples live together for a long time, accumulate property, and even have children, all without getting married. While this isn’t all that unusual, there are a number of misconceptions revolving around these situations and what it means when the couple separates. If you are unmarried but separa...

How is Child Support Calculated When We Have Equal Parenting?

  When parents used to divorce, the typical arrangement used to be that one parent (typically the mother) would be awarded primary custody of the children while the other parent would have visitation rights. The parent with visitation rights would then pay child support to the parent with pr...
Judge Pro Tem - banging gavel

What Is A Commissioner or Judge Pro Tem?

You may have heard the terms “Judge Pro Tem” or “Commissioner Pro Tem” in the context of family law cases. Like many legal terms, these words are perhaps made more obscure by the use of latin. However, you do not need to be alarmed - it is not nearly as complicated as it sounds. A Seattle family law...
Moving Out-of-State and Custody

Moving Out-of-State and Custody

When getting divorced and negotiating custody, it’s impossible to foresee everything that the future will bring. You have to make custody arrangements based on your current situation and what’s best for your child. Months or years later, however, you or your ex-spouse may be considering moving out o...
Back-to-School Tips for Co-Parents

Back-to-School Tips for Co-Parents

The summer is over, and our kids are back in school. Whether you are newly divorced, or your children are just starting school, the beginning of the school year can be a difficult transition for everyone. Divorcing and divorced parents face some additional challenges, but the good news is that with...

Breaking Down Supervised Visitation in Seattle

Visitation and custody issues are decided based on what is in the best interests of the child. In a contested case, the court will listen to the evidence presented and then enter a parenting plan that they believe will best meet the child’s needs, including their safety and general welfare. While su...
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